My five year plan in the visual effects industry

My five year plan in the visual effects industry, how exciting!
Now that I have finished college, the next five years will be interesting.

Five years from now I plan to obtain a Ba / Master’s degree in The Art of Visual Effects.

My decision to go to University is mainly due to three reasons: the Connections (since it is situated in London, a hub for film and movies), Experience and a Diploma.

I will be attending Escape Studios, a private university that specialises in Visual Effects.

Being situated in London, the Uni is surrounded by many Visual Effects companies like DoubleNegative, TheMill, Framestore, Analog, Lumiere, JellyfishPictures etc.

My plan will be to apply for a job in these studios as an internship or even a full-fledged job as a Junior Artist. From here I’d hopefully get further up the hierarchy, with a dream of becoming a Senior VFX Compositor and Creative Director.

My all-time dream is to be on the big screen, not as an actor but in the credits. Trust me, it is way more gratifying than it sounds.

In the future, I would like to have financial freedom. A sense of comfort where, no matter what happens I will have the money to take care of it. I don’t need a luxurious lifestyle, as long as I can express myself and be creative I will be happy.

Another goal of mine is to be able to have a family without financial stress and worries. I want to make sure that my children can follow their dreams and grow up with undestranding parents.

With the increasing popularity of task automation at work, many jobs will be decreasingly available to us. Creativity is the one skill that you should invest in because you cannot program a robot to be creative.

I have been working hard in school because I think it is vital for my future. I need proper education to accomplish all of the goals that I have set out for myself.

Regarding how I am going to pay for all of this. I am going to pay off my student loan with monthly contributions from my wages.

Cutting it short, all of these things are a part of my future. University is not my future, it’s only the beginning of it.

If you are seeing this in 2023, click the button below to read my five year plan, five years later!