QC Toolset for Nuke

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Welcome back, my friends. In today’s blog-post, I am going to share my QC toolset for Nuke that will for sure help you with quality controlling your work.

The toolset will benefit you during the QC stage of your work and consists of three main nodes.

gv_QC Toolset Overview

The first node is an all-round QC tool that you plug in under the work you want to check. This enables you to view your work exposed down by 3-stops, up by 3, with visible grain etc. You know… all that standard good stuff.
If you need to do some px f-ing, you can even examine each quadrant separately. Also, don’t forget to check those corners!

gv_QC Toolset Matte Checker

The second tool is a stripped-down roto matte checker. (if you expand it you will realise it’s just a constant key-mixed over your input through a matte). Having said that, it’s highly useful when roto-ing and gets the job done.

The last tool is a roto checker similar to the one above but on compositing steroids.
With this neat little node, you can check your mattes through a coloured overlay, over a solid background and more. It also lets you create shape outlines in case you want to demonstrate your matte shapes for showreel purposes.

gv_QC Toolset Roto Assist

If you want to give this a crack, download the gv_QC Toolset for Nuke below. (paste the context of the .txt into your Nuke node graph, then create a new toolset with the group highlighted).


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